Meet, Alex Wachelka
My breastfeeding journey was not an easy one at the start. Soon after birth I started to experience pain while breastfeeding to the point of dreading every feeding. I postponed getting help because I thought it was just part of the process. Breastfeeding should not hurt but I didn’t know otherwise.
After two weeks I finally sought out some help and while I didn’t feel supported by that person, they ultimately helped to find the root cause of our challenges. I was able to go on to exclusively breastfeed for 17 months. It was my experience with the support person that led me to learning more about breastfeeding and lactation and had me excited about a huge decision to go to school to train in lactation at 4 months postpartum. I founded Motherhood Blooms Lactation™ because I am determined to help others feel validated and heard during their breastfeeding experience. My practice operates online and supports parents from conception to weaning.